Christina Aguilera 'Felt Like It Was Time' to Post a Topless Selfie 


Not to be outdone by Kim Kardashian’s mom-pressured pregnant selfie yesterday, Christina Aguilera has entered the fray to let her fans know that she’s still got that Dirrty side, which now includes several Buddhas, a pair of pink underwear, and two barely concealed breasts.


The nearly naked selfie emerged last night, captioned “Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys. And it’s just the beginning. Night night. X.”

It came after Aguilera posted a series of strange pictures showing off her “favorite things,” including fan art and the entrance to her “salon” which features a doorway topped with a neon “XXX” sign.

Why is it time to start getting personal? Did her label say so?? Could this be a tease for a new album or is Christina just really, really proud of her shoe collection and vintage framed pin-ups??? Aguilera’s last photo is a motivational bird clock, so I’m on the edge of my seat.

While I am personally more a Daphne Aguilera fan—and will happily remind anyone that “Naughty Baby Did A No-No” is actually quite a good song—Xtina’s fans seem delighted to see this side of her, commenting that the pictures were “smoking” and “sexy.” One very confused fan, not sure of how either homosexuality or the digestive system work, wrote “I would let you poop on my chest even if you had just finished eating Taco Bell #nohomo.”

I know that sounds romantic, but it takes at least three hours to digest and process a chalupa. Perhaps next time Steve_ccq should consider writing “I would let you poop on my chest even if you had Taco Bell for lunch and it is now 8pm.” Much more real.

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