Documentary The Illusionists Tackles How Corporations Sell Beauty


The teaser/trailer for The Illusionists is out and it’s nothing if not intriguing. Promising to expose “the absurd, sometimes humorous, and shocking images that seek to enslave us” is a pretty big claim, but from the looks of it, this doc delivers.

The film isn’t exactly new territory—corporations sell unattainable beauty images, etc. What will be interesting is how well the film tackles the idea of Western beauty force-fed on other cultures and the long term impacts (again not a new concept, but one deserving of more examination). Via the film’s website:

Multi-billion dollar industries saturate our lives with images of unattainable beauty, exporting body hatred from New York to Beirut to Tokyo. Their target? Women, and increasingly men and children.

If the final product actually delivers on these lofty promises, then I’m all in.

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