According to Billboard, from January 3 to January 10, on-demand audio and video streams of “Lisztomania” jumped from 1.07 million to 3.13 million streams. That’s pretty significant, considering the track was initially released in 2009 (off the album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, which I recall listening way too much to in college myself). Considering the Ocasio-Cortez video first went viral in the first week of January, the correlation seems likely.
The AOC bump also earned Phoenix some money—sales spiked 320 percent, though that only made up about 1000 downloads, since it is no longer actually 2009 and we have Spotify now. The track also made a YouTube top songs list (at No. 54), so that’s nice.
Anyway, Phoenix thought Ocasio-Cortez’s video was cute, as they are not composed of QAnon babies.
Do note that if you are just now digging into Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, both “1901″ and “Girlfriend” are better.