Fox is Promoting Dads By Bragging About the Critics That Hate It
LatestSeveral weeks ago, Fox higher-ups said they wanted the Media Action Network for Asian Americans and others criticizing their show to give it a chance. According to the Hollywood Reporter, they released a letter that read, in part:
“You will see that Brenda Song’s character is a strong, intelligent, empowered young woman who basically runs the company, and who almost always gets the upper hand on the guys.
This is a show that will be evocative and will poke fun at stereotypes and bigotries — sometimes through over-the-top, ridiculous situations,” the executives added. “The series is based heavily on the executive producers’ own lives, and the relationships between the fathers and sons on Dads will continue to be the main driver of show’s comedic sensibility. Everyone involved with Dads is striving to create a series with humor that works on multiple levels and ‘earns’ its audaciousness. That said, we do recognize comedy is subjective, and we may not be able to please everyone, all the time.”
This week, in a TV spot featuring fans raving about how much they loved the show, Fox reminds their audience that Dads premieres this coming Tuesday and again, asks the audience to watch and judge for themselves. Unfortunately, since it looks like said raving fans were apparently interviewed in a dark parking lot, they were probably being held up at gunpoint because their brilliant comments range from “Don’t listen to the critics!” to “It’s a must-watch show!”
Needless to say, one critic included TWICE in said ad campaign is particularly pleased her words are being used to further the money-making Fox agenda: