How Does the GOP Heart Ladies? Let Us Count the Ways


The GOP loves women! Sorry — that’s a typo. What I meant to write is that the GOP loves to undermine women at every given opportunity.

Yes, it’s an ugly world for us ladies when it comes to policy making and general Republican badittudes. Sometimes it can get so bad that it’s unclear whether we should laugh or cry. Today, thanks to EMILY’s List, we get to laugh.

Introducing #GOPHeartsLadies, the best way to channel your rage into sharable memes.

They’ve also made a video!

From the kindness of their hearts, EMILY’s List has even sent us some templates so that you can make your own! Have at it and don’t be shy to show off your best work. And once you’re done, let’s all run for office and change things from the inside.

[Via EMILY’s List]

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