Just Fuck Already, Hot Ducks
LatestLast year, the world—or at least the Jezebel staff—became completely enamored of the hot duck, a rakish, brightly-yet-tastefully colored male Mandarin duck who flew away with our hearts too soon.
But fans of bizarre avian sexualization rejoice because hot duck season is once again upon us, and this time, it’s a hot duck couple. Meet the male and female bufflehead. The duo’s meet-cute recently came to my attention via bird Twitter, and now I need to see this will they/won’t they all the way through to the end.
According to the Audubon Society, buffleheads begin cuffing season in early winter, though they often do not make final decisions until spring. But look at the jaunty ruff on that male. He is a vulnerable yet mysterious he-duck with a quirky sense of humor that the right she-duck will just get. Observe the casual confidence of that stylishly normcore female. She’s obviously been too busy with her career for love until a chance encounter in Central Park causes her to rethink her charmingly practical outlook on romance. These two belong together.