Lululemon's Patented Yoga Mat Has Been Deemed the Best There Is
LatestRecently we noted Lululemon’s desire to patent numerous clothing and equipment designs, including their yoga mat. Now said yoga mat has been given the stamp of approval by The Wirecutter, a website that reviews gadgets and products.
One reason to take this seriously: Wirecutter reviews are meticulously researched and tend to hold up (though we’re biased; the site was started by Gizmodo’s former EIC). This one looks like it’s no exception; the multiple testers who worked on this review credit Lululemon’s The Mat with “traction that was superior to any other mat available right now” because of the material it’s made of, which actually allows your sweat to help you grip better. Seems like that Lulu patent was worth the trouble.
However, the Wirecutter review comes with a heavy caveat about the company’s history of questionable choices and provides a number of other mat alternatives for those who might want a more eco-friendly option or one with more cushioning or whatever your body, heart and mind desires. Ommmmmm… and we’re done.
Images via Lululemon