New Bill Aims to Help Mothers Who Can’t Afford Diapers


For low-income mothers, purchasing diapers is not exactly in the budget. Even those who receive welfare assistance have a difficult time making room for such an expense. But a new bill in California aims to specifically cover the cost of diapers for mothers, bringing at least a little relief when it comes to the little ones.

AB 1516, drafted up by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, a Democrat, would be the first of its kind. Via Think Progress:

It would give families with children under two who qualify for CalWORKS, the state’s welfare program, $80 a month for the necessity. An estimated 120,000 children would get the assistance. It passed the Assembly 55 to 23 in May, and it’s now in committee in the Senate.
The cost of such a program is estimated to come to $119 million a year, although supporters counter that it would end up being lower because it would help low-income parents work more.

Zero Republicans voted for this measure citing the potential for fraud, but Gonzales maintains that the bill serves to drum up awareness” regarding challenges that low-income mothers deal. A study showed 30 percent of women have admitted to not being able to afford diapers at some point in their lives. When supply runs low, many mothers don’t change diapers as often as they should so as to stretch their stock, which poses health risks for the baby.

As a year’s worth of diapers can end up costing around $1000, the assistance would definitely be a great help for mothers who need it.

Image via Getty.

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