Oh My God: I'll Miss You
LatestLadies, I’m going to keep this fairly short and sweet: it’s been real.
No, scratch that. It’s been pretty fucking amazing.
Today, of course, is my last day. As I mentioned earlier this month, I’m planning on spending the rest of the summer sleeping in late, reading for pleasure, and consulting on some awesome Jezebel-branded book and television projects. In the long term, I’ll be strategizing for some sort of overly ambitious, lady-centric world takeover and figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.
Until then, you can catch me on Twitter (or my newly-created Tumblr, which has zero posts and may stay that way for a week or so). My email will remain the same.
Jezebel staff, past and present: You are the most inspiring, hard-charging group of women I’ve ever had the honor to work with. Readers: your devotion and support these past 3 and a half years is almost without precedent. I’ve never laughed so hard nor learned so much.
You are my favorite lesbian shitasses.
Image by Yoshitomo Nara, via Oh! My God! I Miss You!