Reader Roundup
The comments of the day:
Best Comment Of The Day, in response to: Vanity Fair: Not In Favor Of Naked Men: “I think in general, women have a higher tolerance for female nudity than men have for male nudity. Women are used to living in a culture that caters to the male gaze. Men aren’t used to having to view things outside of what directly caters to their needs. Which is why they don’t like going to see ‘chick flicks’ but women are much more easily dragged into typical testosterone charged movies. I also think men assume that regardless of gender or sexual orientation, everyone thinks women are sexier.” We say: Yes. You’re right. • Worst Comment Of The Day, in response to Kathleen Sebelius Is In, Much To Howard Dean’s Dismay: “I have one word for Kathleen Sebelius: fiber. God, she looks like she has a pickle up her ass, doesn’t she?” You say: “How dare female politicians look serious! It’s not like they have actual work to do.”
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