Saturday Night Social: The Night Belongs to Sister Wendy
LatestTonight let’s dedicate the night to Sister Wendy, the woman who brought us one of the most awesome public television shows of all time. If you’re not familiar with her, Sister Wendy is a British hermit and consecrated virgin who hosted a series of popular documentaries on art in the 1990s. These documentaries were aired on public television and, for some of us, may have been our first foray into fine arts. It didn’t hurt that Sister Wendy discussed erotic art quite often and my parents were never suspicious when I watched PBS.
Far from being a prude, Sister Wendy isn’t just an expert on art, she’s also got some very evolved views on gay marriage. In 2007 she told The Huffington Post the following:
“I believe in loyalty. We should respect our church, but never believe that the church has the last word. The church is saying ‘this’, but I believe that sooner or later ‘this’ will change. ‘This’ is not the mind of our Lord. God is all love. It’s a delicate balancing thing. The Church has changed its position over the years, and because the spirit is with the Church, in the end the Church will always get it right. But in the end. The spirit of the Church is the meaning of love, which hasn’t yet, perhaps, been fully understood.”
So let’s raise a glass to Sister Wendy and then discuss anything and everything in the comments below! Have a great Saturday!