Saturday Night Social: Update on That Rocket That Might Fall and Kill Me, Specifically

Saturday Night Social: Update on That Rocket That Might Fall and Kill Me, Specifically
Photo:STR/AFP (Getty Images)

So, about that hunk o’ rocket that’s expected to make what’s called an “uncontrolled re-entry” back down to Earth sometime tonight or possibly Sunday morning!

The Aerospace Corporation, a nonprofit funded by the federal government that does research and analysis about shit like this I guess, predicts that the aforementioned rocket chunk—i.e., what’s left of the 23-ton booster stages that failed to detach off a Chinese rocket carrying space station parts that was launched in late April—will likely re-enter Earth’s atmosphere around 11:26 p.m. EST, The New York Times reports.

If their prediction is accurate, the petit boosterine will touch down somewhere in the uninhabited North Atlantic Ocean, which would mean that I, a woman of living in New York experience, will be safe! Unless it drags its ass a few more minutes and makes its re-entry a little later in the night. Then I will possibly not be.

Tune in tomorrow to see if Dirt Bag goes up by 2:00 p.m. EST—the no. 1 sign that I, personally, will have survived the rocket’s fall!

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