Sex & Exercise Can Increase Risk Of Heart Attack


While research has shown that both sex and working out is good for what ails you, a new study found that you may need to do more of both to avoid a heart attack.

Researchers from Tufts and Harvard analyzed 14 studies and found that occasional physical and sexual activity can lead to a sudden cardiac event, the Washington Post reports. Occasional physical activity more than tripled the risk of a heart attack, and sex was nearly as dangerous.

However, if people regularly engage in these activities, their risk of heart problems lowers. For each time a person exercises during the week, the chances that physical activity would provoke a heart attack dropped 45%, and their risk of sudden cardiac death decreased 30%.

Scenes of adulterers keeling over are popular in movies and TV, but according to this study, Roger Sterling wasn’t really more likely to suffer a heart attack while entertaining a young lady in his office. No one on TV fornicates more regularly than the men of Sterling Cooper.

The Link Between Occasional Physical Activity And Heart Attack [Washington Post]

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