Sharon Stone Has Worked With Some Real Dirtbags, But Had No Idea Woody Allen Was One of Them
LatestSharon Stone’s memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice, has her making the rounds on the press circuit, and she’s been doing a lot of setting the record straight—including explaining exactly what kind of exploitative fuckery went down on the set of Basic Instinct, along with a litany of other depressing, believable accounts of misogynistic and abusive behavior in Hollywood.
But one guy who was great to Sharon Stone, according to Sharon Stone, was Woody Allen. In an interview for The Michelle Collins Show Stone said—it’s worth noting, without being asked a full question—”My experiences with Woody Allen were all wonderful. He was highly professional with me…And I was a young woman, 19, when I started working with him.”
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Dylan Farrow’s claims she was molested by her father are untrue, she goes on to say. It just means that Woody Allen did not abuse Sharon Stone, a point she seems to believe is relevant: “I can say that the, while the [Allen v. Farrow] documentary may very well be a hundred percent true, it is not my experience.”
Stone worked with Allen three different times, ostensibly because they had a good working relationship and she did not suspect him of being a child molester. It’s almost as if abusers act one way publicly and a different way privately. Has anyone looked in to this possibility? And is Sharon Stone aware that she is not actually obligated to comment on this situation? Does Michelle Collins understand what the word “brave” means? If so, why did she apply that particular term to Sharon Stone’s completely out-of-the-blue diatribe about how great Woody Allen is for not molesting her, personally?
These questions have been brought to you by the Association of Night Bloggers For Women Celebrities Simply Saying “Pass” When Asked Questions About Man Directors Who Are Alleged Rapists But Who Did Not Individually Assault Them, a very cleverly titled organization I have just this moment invented but feel very passionately about. Tee shirts and tote bags coming soon.