Spring Forward: Stars Dress Stylishly (For The Children)

The 6th Annual New Yorkers For Children Spring Dinner Dance at New York’s Mandarin Oriental had the theme ‘New Year’s in April: A Fool’s Fete’ which apparently meant some awesomely odd clothing!

The Good:

Hyperventilating from Hilary Rhoda’s pretty!

Selita Ebanks balances brilliant fuschia with a simple, elegant silhouette.

There was a lot of playing with volume at this event – the April Fool thing? – and here’s why I think Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos’ works: the hobble skirt balances the bodice’s billow!

In contrast, Eugenia Silva does totally sleek, classically sexy.

Diane Kruger‘s whimsical lavender doesn’t sacrifice the pretty.

Dig it: Tara Subkoff balances the glitz of her frock with a low-key sweater to seriously cool effect.

Serena Williams is regal in amethyst.

Helen Lee Schifter’s one of these perennial ‘best-dressed list’ fixtures… fair enough!

Tinsley Mortimer’s Easter-ish number walks the cutesy line and stays just grown-up enough.

Rachel Zoe‘s bish face, gown are bananas.

Emmy Rossum‘s gown is kind of a weird mix of southern belle, 30s formal, and plain odd…but it works!

The Bad:

As Melissa Deamicis knows, the best way to help the children is by denuding an ostrich, then channeling its spirit.

Maggie Rizer, meanwhile, helps the children by draping herself in an enormous wad of bubble gum, scrawny carcass.

I love how the stunning Rachel Roy plays with tricky proportions, but this was just a bridge – or rather, a hemline/neckline/bootie – too far.

Do we think Rachel Zoe dressed Joy Bryant? Cause she totally killed it – a robot princess, that is. Then she took her duds as plunder.

Leigh “Princess Coldstare” Lezark has been insinuating herself back onto the scene. Word was, she was launching a clothing line. For angry, blindfolded schoolgirls?

What Say You?

Coca Rocha’s gown is probably Zac Posen, maybe too much!

The Ugly?

Hey, you know how I loved that pairing of cardi and cocktail dress? Well, as Olivia Palermo shows, when you sub in “power smoking jacket” and “upholstery” the effect is not the same.

[Images via Getty]

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