The old Taylor is alive and well, and posting on Instagram.
Taylor Swift is counting down to something on her website and on her Instagram account, where she’s posting a series of girly photos of accessories (painted nails, a diamond-covered heart) with the date April 26 attached. Taylor Swift may have killed her past self and traded in her corpse for a model wearing fishnets on Reputation, but judging from her posts this alleged album’s art direction is basically Limited Too.
If she is counting down to new music and not, I don’t know, a new costume jewelry line at Marshalls, my bets are she’s taking Reputation-era Swift back to country pop. Even with all the breathless insistence on her last album that she was a different person because she released a lot of songs about doing “bad things” and bought an 808 machine, Swift still kept one foot in country with “New Year’s Day.”
Earlier this year, Swift fans thought she was secretly counting down to something in her Instagram photos because apparently posting a photo of seven palm trees means you’re releasing something in seven days (in the end, she didn’t release anything.) Bless those burgeoning conspiracy theorists!