The Longer You Procrastinate, the Worse Your Grade Will Be
I’m a pretty good procrastinator. Actually, a really good procrastinator. As in, I actually cannot start, work through, and/or finish an assignment unless I have adrenaline from the sheer anxiety and fear of not completing said assignment on time coursing through my veins. (Don’t tell my editors.) Well, oddly enough, it looks like there might be a disadvantage to waiting til the last minute and then rushing through an assignment—at least at school.
According to a study conducted on college students at the Warwick Business School, submitting a paper right before it’s due could result in a (at worst) five percent drop in the grade. Via Time:
Of the 777 students involved, 86.1 percent waited until the last 24 hours to turn in work, earning an average score of 64.04 [out of 100], compared to early submitters’ average of 64.32 — roughly equivalent to a ‘B’ grade.
But the average score for the most part continued to drop by the hour, and those who turned in the assignment at the last minute had the lowest average grade of around 59, or around a C+.
I feel like if you’re procrastinating and getting a lower grade, you’re just not doing it right. (Says the blogger. Sigh.) Of course doing things on time will result in a much better final product and will alleviate stress and maybe make you a better person. But where’s the fun in that?
Image via Shutterstock.