These Prada Boots Are Not For Black Ladies


To be fair, the Mary Jane boots by Prada also come in blue suede and python. Guess brown-skinned women who love this quirky trompe l’oeil look will have to buy those! Because the “flesh”-colored ones definitely don’t represent the fleshtones of black people. Not a big deal, really, but definitely interesting. Since the brand is notorious for not casting any black models. Not just one season. For years and years. More than a decade, actually. Not one black model on their runways for more than ten years.

So! Anyway, it’s not surprising that they didn’t consider making a dark version, just disappointing. On the bright side, now we won’t have to snicker at Michelle Obama, Oprah, Halle Berry, Tyra, Beyoncé or Rihanna for sporting these silly shoes.

Prada’s Mary Jane Boot Comes With Its Own Skin? [The Life Files]
Fake-Leg Footwear [TrendHunter]
Prada Mary Jane Leather Boots [Net-A-Porter]

Earlier: Is Prada To Blame For the Lack Of Black Models?
Miuccia Prada Puts End To Fashion Week Apartheid!
Fashion Week Diversity By The Numbers
On The Runways Of Milan, Color Just Wasn’t Considered Chic

Related: Abandoning Prada: Why This Shopaholic Is Walking Away [BlogHer]

See also: Lucky Promotes “Nude” Shoes, But For Whom?
Why A “Nude” Dress Should Really Be Called “Champagne” Or “Peach”

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