Tucker Carlson's Brother: Female de Blasio Staffer Has 'Dick Fright'


Buckley Carlson—obvious brother to honest and ethical Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson—said Bill de Blasio’s spokesperson had “dick fright” in an email that made the rounds today. Wise older brother Buckface accidentally sent the email straight to the inbox of de Blasio’s spokesperson, Amy Spitalnick.

Here’s the email, sent to us by a tipster and first reported by Buzzfeed’s Rosie Gray:

Great response. Whiny little self-righteous bitch. “Appalling?”
And with such an ironic name, too… Spitalnick? Ironic because you just know she has extreme dick-fright; no chance has this girl ever had a pearl necklace. Spoogeneck? I don’t think so. More like LabiaFace.

LabiaFace! Buckface’s email was a response to a different email exchange between Spitalnick and Tucker Carlson regarding a correction she requested in an article posted by Daily Caller writer Peter Fricke.

Here’s the email from Tuckface to Spitalnick:

Dear Amy,
Thanks for your email. You believe our story was inaccurate and have demanded a correction. Totally fair. We are going over the transcript now.
What Bedford complained about was your tone, which, I have to agree, was whiny and annoying, and I say that in the spirit of helpful correction rather than as a criticism. Outside of New York City, adults generally write polite, cheerful emails to one another, even when asking for corrections. Something to keep in mind the next time you communicate with people who don’t live on your island.
Tucker Carlson

Agh, the Carlson brothers: cut from exactly the same reusable diaper cloth!

Photos via Getty, Daily Caller; cropped by J.K. Trotter

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