What's The Point of Kevin Costner Endorsing Pete Buttigieg If It's Not On The Field of Dreams?

What's The Point of Kevin Costner Endorsing Pete Buttigieg If It's Not On The Field of Dreams?
Photo:Eric Rowley (Getty Images)

Pretend Cleveland Browns general manager Kevin Costner endorsed South Bend Pete Buttigieg in the Democratic primary in Iowa on Sunday. His endorsement was given at what TMZ described as a “modest-sized town hall” of 1,200 people in at Indianola High School in Indianola, Iowa.

I have only one question: Why the hell was a Kevin Costner endorsement not rolled out at the Field of Dreams baseball field in Dyersville, Iowa, in a direct nod to the 1989 movie “Field of Dreams”?!

“He won’t compete to be the loudest. I don’t see his arms flapping. His silences are those of someone who can wait until he has something worked out in his mind to speak,” Costner said in his endorsement, Fox News embed Tara Prindiville reported.

“Whether your road leads you to Pete, like mine has, that’s for you to judge. But every 4 years we get the chance to either hold the course we’re on or set up a signal that we’ve tried it and it’s not right. And we’re gonna demand something better,” Costner told the crowd, according to Prindiville. “That power, that awesome responsibility, originates here on the ground in Iowa.”

While it’s great that Cosnter has found his candidate of choice (great for him, I mean), why not take advantage of perhaps the best photo opp Iowa could offer the supposed wunderkind mayor?! C’mon a high school gym is the best you can do? Iowans are made of tough stuff and you know news network embeds would trudge out to the baseball field.

Inquiring minds (me, seriously only me) need to know why this decision was made!

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