April 1 Week In Review
Latest10 Things You May Have Missed on TV This Week
In this week’s compilation of pop culture crap, men are excited to get vasectomies, Pauly D is covered in ejaculate, and La Toya Jackson acts like herself. More »
The Time I Almost Got Pregnant By A Guy Who Pooped Crystals
When I was 24, my long-distance boyfriend dumped me. I was stranded in New Mexico, running down the clock on what had been a less-than-inspiring year teaching high school with the AmeriCorps program. I loved the kids, but getting paid $10,000 a year to work for people who’d founded a charter school on a lark had taken its toll. More »
2012’s Women To Watch
A notable number of women are getting ready to run in 2012, and not all of them are as far-right as Michele Bachmann! Stephanie Schriock, the president of EMILY’s List, pretty much explicitly made the connection: “I think that there are no other words to say other than the stakes have never been higher for American women…We’ve got women all over the country who are watching this thinking about [running], and it’s an exciting time.” More »
The 15 Most Inappropriate Baby Outfits
Good parenting often comes down to making choices, and some of those choices extend to clothing. Here we collect some kiddie fashions that should prompt calls to Child Protective Services. More »
This Week In Tabloids: Dancing With The Stars Is Also Snorting With The Stars
Welcome back to Midweek Madness! Every Wednesday, we waltz through the pages of In Touch, Life & Style, Us, Ok! and Star in search of gossip. This week, Reese Witherspoon’s wedding had Sacha Baron Cohen and a rockabilly band; Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall is being a mean girl to Kate Middleton; and there are a lot of worn-out nostrils on Dancing With The Stars. More »
It’s Time For Betty Draper To Go
Since it became public knowledge that Mad Men was going to kill off at least one “regular character” (although other reports have put the tally as high as six), debate has swirled: should Lane Pryce return to London? Should Roger’s poor work ethic and heart trouble conspire for the big pink slip? But one idea has gained momentum: Betty Draper must go. More »
What You Need To Know About The Wal-Mart Sex-Discrimination Case
One legal scholar calls it “the most important case the Supreme Court will hear this year.” That happens to be a gender discrimination case against Wal-Mart, which the Court started hearing this week. So what exactly makes this case so important? More »
Enough With Samantha Power’s Flowing Red Hair
Your average National Security Council Staffer probably does not attract the level of attention Samantha Power has. True, Power was already a star at her particular crossroads of human rights activism, journalism and academia, winning a Pulitzer long before she had a four-hour dinner with a young Senator named Barack Obama. And now she’s been credited with, or blamed for, inspiring intervention in Libya. More »
Your Best & Worst Stories About Developing Boobs
Oh, puberty! The agony and the ecstasy! After we shared our alternately hilarious and harrowing tales about blossoming and growing breast buds, you chimed in. Even the commenters who said they “had no memories” of getting boobs managed to reveal intense emotions about their breasts, proving what a complicated, sensitive subject the mammary glands can be. Though many, many people shared their personal stories, there were some that stood out. These are the best. More »
Title IX Suit Filed Against Yale University For “Hostile Sexual Environment”
The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced it will open an investigation of Yale University “for its failure to eliminate a hostile sexual environment on campus, in violation of Title IX.” The Yale Herald reports that earlier this month, 16 Yale students and alumni filed a complaint with OCR, citing several public scandals, including Delta Kappa Epsilon’s rape chant, and private cases of sexual harassment and assault. More »
The Damaging Expectation Of Higher Male Desire
After so many years of blogging, teaching, mentoring, and writing, you find yourself getting the same questions over and over again. (Questions about the wisdom of age-disparate and long-distance relationships, for example, are evergreen.) But there are other topics that come up often as well, like incompatible sexual desire. More »
How To Talk To Your Friends About Money
Money can be an uncomfortable topic, especially among friends. But as tax day approaches, we have some tips for talking about it with your peers without rocking the boat. More »
Kabbalah Distances Itself From Madonna
After a slew of bad press following lawsuits, a rumored IRS investigation, and the disaster that is/was Madaonna’s Raising Malawi charity, Kabbalah leaders are trying to shake off negative stories by saying they were planted by former disgruntled members. More »
The Teacher Dress Code
A lot of readers have approached us, looking for answers to one of the profession’s lingering questions: What to wear when you’re wrangling a bunch of kids all day? More »