Brie Larson Wants Justice for All the Film Critics Who Aren't White Dudes


People who make movies don’t always have the greatest esteem for people who critique them. And why would they—we suck! But it was still cool to hear that Brie Larson understands the struggles lowly, popcorn-covered film critics face, specifically those who are underrepresented in an industry that is startlingly white and male.

At the Women and Film Los Angeles Crystal + Lucy Awards on Wednesday, Larson announced that Sundance and Toronto film festivals will allocate 20 percent of press credentials to “underrepresented journalists” in the future, Deadline reports. She also gave a terrific accompanying speech in which she highlighted the disconnect between moviegoers and the people tasked with reviewing movies:

“Am I saying that I hate white dudes? No I’m not. But what I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to a woman of color, there is an insanely low chance that a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie and review your movie.”
“It really sucks that reviews matter, but reviews matter. We are expanding to make films that reflect the people who buy movie tickets….I do not need a 40 year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him…I want to know what my work means to the world, not a narrow view.”

“Female and underrepresented critics can’t review what they don’t see. Many are denied accreditation or access to press screenings,” she added. “Please make sure that these invites and credentials find their way to more underrepresented journalists and critics, many of whom are freelancers.”

Damn, and a shout out to freelancers?! You like us, you really like us!

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