Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are Totally Full Of Shit


Fed up with the news that your tax dollars are being diverted from legitimate women’s health programs and into bullshit “crisis pregnancy centers?” Well, you’re not alone!

From Nov. 11-15, NARAL Pro-Choice America, along the Feminist Majority Foundation, launched a “CPC Week of Action,” aimed at exposing the absolute and total bullshit practices of CPCs in America. According to NARAL, more than 4,000 CPCs exist throughout the nation, and many of them “mislead and manipulate women, especially women facing an unintended pregnancy.” From

“Fake clinics hurt women by giving them false information, such as abortion leading to breast cancer – which is simply not true,” explained Feminist Majority Foundation President Eleanor Smeal. “Our Feminist Campus program is determined to not only expose fake clinics across the nation, but to make sure women know the multitude of their deceptive practices.”

NARAL worked with college campuses across the country all throughout the week to provide education about what CPCs really are about. Want to get an idea of the kind of bullshit CPCs tell vulnerable women? Check out Exposing Fake Clinics, a Tumblr dedicated to exposing the lies of CPCs and telling the stories of women who’ve been duped by their misleading propaganda.

The images below are pretty devastating, when you realize these are things told to women by alleged “health care professionals.”

Nope, nope, nope, nope. And nope. Again, everyone, say it with me now: “Crisis pregnancy centers are full of shit!”

Images via Exposing Fake Clinics

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