Danielle's Weave Gets Ripped Out On Real Housewives


Last night’s episode featured the long-awaited showdown between Danielle and Teresa, which escalated into an all out rubber-necking, hair-pulling, heel-breaking, coke-whore-calling, cops-arriving flurry of chinchilla and hair weave. As one bystander aptly remarked, it was “such fucking bullshit.”

So, in case you didn’t catch on yet, Danielle’s hair got pulled by Jacqueline’s teenage daughter Ashley.

Um, yeah, duh.

It all started when Teresa said hello to Danielle, and then things got real.

This is that “ghetto thing” she was doing.

Apparently it has some kind of significance to Patterson, NJ.

This was the natural progression of events at the North Jersey Country Club.

Or you can just watch it all here:

And then the cops showed up.

Danielle filed complaints against Teresa, Jacqueline and Ashley that led to a court case. In the end, the complaints against Teresa and Jacqueline were dismissed, but Ashley was issued a summons for harassment and simple assault. She was ordered to pay a small fine.

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