On Wednesday, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a video of Senator Bernie Sanders punching a speed bag and getting thrown slightly off-kilter, which was funny but also the kind of thing that would happen to any boxing novice with a bag swinging wildly in their face. In the caption, Trump wrote: “This wouldn’t exactly strike fear in the minds of our adversaries. Imagine this guy sitting accross [sic] the table negotiating with world leaders?”
Don Jr., an expert in masculinity, is absolutely right! Sanders is nothing like his father, Donald Trump, an example of the perfect male specimen; the definition of competence and virility. President Trump is the male form at its peak. He’s the person you want sitting across the table negotiating with world leaders.
And if there is any doubt, allow me to walk you down some of the president’s greatest moments of mastering stairs, handshakes, and knowing when people are sitting in front of him: