Ellen Page Might Soon be the Lady Comic Book Hero We Deserve


Since the comic book movie gods (aka three dudes in Hollywood) didn’t give the ladies any love this summer, perhaps next year will be better? Ellen Page is reportedly in talks to play the lead in Queen & Country.

According to Wired:

For those unfamiliar with Queen & Country, it’s a spy series created by novelist and comic book writer Greg Rucka centered around Tara Chace, a operative of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service. Appropriately, given Rucka’s dual career, it’s a series that has encompassed both comics — Queen & Country ran from 2001 through 2007, published by Oni Press and illustrated by a whole host of artists, including Daredevil‘s Chris Samnee and Finder’s Carla Speed McNeil — and prose, with the series’ most recent entry being in the form of The Last Run, a novel published in 2010.

I fully believe Ellen Page could fight her way through an entire army of reavers followed by a few hundred of the Others and still have time to shoot everyone a disapproving glare, so I’m psyched for this.

Marvel and DC — your move.


Photo via Getty

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