Even Scott Pruitt's Asshole Political Appointees Are Miserable
PoliticsRecall, if you would, that endless drip of demoralizing reports on the misery of career EPA staffers under Administrator Scott Pruitt. Well, it turns out Pruitt is more of an equal-opportunity employer, at least when it comes to inspiring feelings of anger and distress: At the EPA, sources told Axios, everyone is miserable, including the staffers Pruitt appointed to help carry out his deregulatory agenda.
“All of us have been frozen out over time,” an EPA political appointee told Axios’ Jonathan Swan. “It’s absolutely unreal working here. Everyone’s miserable. Nobody talks. It’s a dry wall prison.”
Pruitt’s chief-of-staff “rarely” knows where he is, and he has stopped sharing his travel schedule with people outside of his shrinking “inner circle” (which Axios reports is mostly comprised of staffers in their 20’s). From Axios:
Pruitt has grown paranoid and isolated, and he only trusts a small handful of people at the agency. Senior White House staff darkly joke among themselves every time a fresh bad story comes out about Pruitt. Numerous senior EPA staff have already resigned or plan to quit.
Scott, friends of Scott: a word of advice. If you’re truly passionate about something—like, say, destroying the planet in exchange for power and personal financial gain—you should be having fun. Why the long faces? No offense, but maybe you’re just not cut out for this?
May I suggest a pottery class?