FKA twigs Performs 'Good to Love' on The Tonight Show, Is an Angelic Vision


FKA twigs debuted “Good to Love” live on The Tonight Show Wednesday, where she last fully cowed host Jimmy Fallon in 2014 with an artful performance of “Two Weeks” and a giant swathe of silk emanating from the heavens. For this performance, though, she went minimal to match the song, using light and gleaming white suits for their own ethereal effect, her band stripped down behind her.

After years of production so heavy that at times it’s mimicked the concrete clamor of grime, it’s interesting to see where she’s taking her new music, which she premiered last week with a stark bedsit of a video. “FKA twigs acoustic album” was never something that seemed likely before, and yet each time she’s relied entirely on her voice—in live British radio performances, mostly—she’s startled with the range and emotion often purposely obscured in her music. On Fallon, she added to that notion visually, a smallish set-up coming to fruition in an impactful way. (Also: excellent accessorizing and hair and beauty.) Watch below.

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