Fox News Host Says She'd Look 'Fabulous' On the Food Stamps Diet Plan


Fox News pundits famously know no shame, but The Five co-host Andrea Tantaros has to win some sort of heartless demon-lady award for mocking the millions of Americans who depend on food stamps to survive — on the night before Thanksgiving, no less.

Fox panelists were wondering whether our boyfriend/Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker’s recent pledge to live on food stamps for a week was an effort at “positioning himself for a run for the presidency as a man of the people” (what a horrible platform, right?) when Tanteros said (at 1:39):

“I should try it because, do you know how fabulous I’d look? I mean, the camera adds ten pounds. It really does. I would be looking great.”

And then, she giggled. She fucking giggled at the thought of slumming it that hard.

50.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households last year, according to the USDA. Maybe Tanteros should ask them for some more dieting tips?

[Media Matters]

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