Ghislaine Maxwell Might Be in Court as Soon as Friday
LatestAlleged Jeffrey Epstein co-abuser Ghislaine Maxwell might be in court as soon as Friday, since prosecutors presumably angling to get this thing going as quickly as possible.
The Associated Press reports that Maxwell will likely face sex trafficking co-conspiracy charges in New York on Friday. She was arrested in New Hampshire on Thursday after a lengthy search and is currently being held without bail.
As part of Epstein’s sex trafficking ring, Maxwell allegedly helped recruit and groom underage girls so Epstein and his rich friends could sexually assault them. Epstein died by suicide in jail last September. Maxwell has been implicated in Epstein’s ring since last year but hid out in New Hampshire until her arrest last week. The Southern District of New York has charged her with helping Epstein sexually abuse and exploit girls from 1994 to 1997.
Once Maxwell faces the court, things should get pretty interesting. Page Six reports that Maxwell will probably out some of Epstein’s celebrity clients:
Steven Hoffenberg, a former business associate of Epstein’s (and who temporarily managed the New York Post in 1993), said, “She’s going to be naming some big names — not only in terms of those who abused underage girls at Epstein’s parties — but also those who made financial agreements with Epstein or benefited from his generosity, including flying on his plane and staying at his homes.”
He said it was a shock for Maxwell to be arrested on charges that she groomed underage women to have sex with the infamous pedophile. He explained, “Ghislaine thought she was untouchable — that she’d be protected by the intelligence communities she and Jeffrey helped with information: the Israeli intelligence services, and Les Wexner, who has given millions to Israel; by Prince Andrew, President Clinton and even by President Trump, who was well-known to be an acquaintance of her and Epstein’s.”
Guess the feds don’t need that Prince Andrew interview, after all.