Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette, filmed in covid-19 quarantine, is off to a bangin’ start: she’s made the men get tested before smooching, she’s made them play strip dodgeball and discover their love language, and she’s already fallen in love with a dude but is continuing on with the show regardless. His name is Dale Moss; the rest of the contestants don’t stand a chance; and once, he was a taco.
According to Page Six, fans of the show discovered that Moss used to model costumes for Party City—with Halloween right around the corner, it was only a matter of time before these ‘stumes made the rounds on Bachelor Nation forums. I’m mostly just happy that this proves he is at least somewhat gainfully employed, and is not just a “former pro football receiver” who retired at 31, as the show made him appear to be. (Honestly, that would be a nice life, but Crawley wants a big, strong, workin’ man.) Anyway, he has apparently posed as a taco (with a matching taco doggy costume, as photographed above), worn an “Adult Superman Muscle Costume – Justice League Part 1,” and an “Adult Roman Centurion Costume.”
Check it out:
What does it all mean? If he can play courageous gladiator and heroic superman for America’s largest party retailer—probably, don’t quote me—surely he will save the day and betroth Crawley, finally confirming for her that some dudes aren’t total jerks? Or will he disappoint her, like so many men on this series have before him? I’m no psychic, but I simply think it means he looks good in synthetic fabrics, something so few can pull off. Good for him.