Here Are Two Inspiring Pregnancy Discrimination Case Victories
LatestSome happy May Day news: the National Women’s Law Center announced settlements in two pregnancy discrimination cases this week.
In one (which we covered), Amy Crosby was put on unpaid leave when the hospital where she works refused to accommodate her doctor’s request that she not lift more than 20 pounds because of her pregnancy. The specific terms of the settlement are confidential, but the woman will continue to work at the hospital under her terms. Awesome.
In another, Stephanie Stewart, a CUNY honors student and recipient of an academic scholarship, was told by a professor that she couldn’t make up tests or assignments that she messed because of pregnancy-related absences. Including labor and delivery. When she challenged the professor, he placed her on academic warning. In the settlement:
CUNY has agreed to adopt a new university-wide policy addressing the rights of pregnant and parenting students under Title IX, publish and disseminate that policy to its faculty, conduct training so that faculty members understand their obligations, and include the policy in the student handbook. CUNY also agreed to reinstate Stewart’s full-tuition scholarship and reimburse her for expenses she incurred taking an extra course this semester in order to graduate on time.
Thanks, Amy and Stephanie, for speaking up on behalf of all the other pregnant women/single parents/people who have children or have ever been children themselves out there. (Yes, wise guys, that means all of you. Because pregnancy discrimination affects everyone!)
Image by VILevi/Shutterstock.