Here is Charli XCX Singing 'Boom Clap' in Japanese
EntertainmentHow much does pop princesa Charli XCX know and love her fanbase? Definitely enough to try her hand at singing “Boom Clap,” one of last year’s biggest hits, in Japanese, for special release of Sucker on Warner Music Japan. Unsure how she fared as my Japanese is a little rusty, but at least two people in the always reliable YouTube comments have said her pronunciation is pretty good!
As Fact points out, it’s not that strange for pop stars to sing their hits in other languages for country-specific releases, although more commonly that language is limited to Spanish. But Charli’s spent a good amount of time in Tokyo over the past year, not only filming the amazingly pop art clip for “Superlove” in an eye-candy of a club, but also shooting an alternate “Boom Clap” video in Tokyo, which is better than the original if only by rights that it does not subject us to mealy scenes from the cornball Fault in Our Stars. (Also, if you’ve ever wanted to just go shopping with Charli—who hasn’t?—this approximates that.)
Fact also makes note of the recent AG Cook remix of Charli and Rita Ora’s “Doing It,” which basically places the original inside a fictional anime rave, and/or Tumblr. AG Cook is the capo of London label PC Music, which has a propensity for taking women’s pop vocals and tweaking them up so they sound like the voiceboxes inside Final Fantasy IX or whatever. (PC Music also tweaks men’s vocals to sound like women’s voices, and uses women’s names and images, to promote its whole artifice-and-pop-loving aesthetic, something I have problems with for obvious reasons.) Recently, PC Music co-conspirator Sophie (a man) broke the fourth wall and collaborated with Actual Madonna on the recent track “Bitch I’m Madonna,” which is an unlikely jam that melds the weirdo HTML underground with pop megaliths. Side by side, “Bitch I’m Madonna” and the “Doing It” remix offer a pretty basic primer for the overall PC Music “sound”—something that we’ll no doubt be hearing a lot more in the mainstream come the future, or in 13 seconds, on the internet.
Congratulations to Charli XCX on her mastery of Japanese!
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