Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Both Gave Pro Transgender Rights Speeches This Weekend


On Saturday, at a Washington breakfast hosted by the Human Rights Campaign, Vice President Joe Biden and prospective President Hillary Clinton both gave impassioned speeches in support of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans—and our stalwart veep managed to squeeze in a rock solid republican diss, too.

Clinton won “roaring applause” by promising to make lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues essential to her presidency, while Biden pointed out that the government had had little to do with recent rapid advancement in gay rights. As is his way, he also managed to land a wicked zinger against the Republican presidential nominee clown car of archaic poop emojis.

“There’s homophobes still left,” Biden said, twinkle in his eye. “Most of ‘em are running for president, I think!” In conclusion:

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