Michele Bachmann Explains New Hampshire Gaffe With Yet Another Gaffe
LatestClearly, the media only reported on Michele Bachmann saying the battle of Lexington and Concord was fought in New Hampshire, not Massachusetts, because they’re all out to get her. (A woman who regularly yaps about how the Founding Fathers would have totally agreed with her views can’t be expected to know any facts about them.) Bachmann defended herself on the Laura Ingraham Show, saying, “We all know there’s a double standard in the media … as we know all 3,400 members of the mainstream media are part of the Obama press contingent.” Hmm… The Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 5,820 professional “Broadcast News Analysts” and the New York Times alone has more than 7,500 employees. Either Bachmann has her facts wrong again, or the media is less biased than we thought!