Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Most Intense, Violent Fight I've Ever Seen On Reality TV

On last night’s Real World/Road Rules Challenge, CT behaved like an animal by beating the living shit out of his teammate. Every single producer and cast member tried to hold him back, to no avail.

I love the Challenges because it showcases this little universe that ex-Real World and Road Rules members have created for themselves, a universe where they all make a living off of speaking engagements and bar hosting, and only date one another. Having off-camera working/romantic/friendly relationships together only adds to the drama when they reunite on these shows. Frankly, I could do without all the sports stuff, and would prefer they just show the drama.

If you care, the backstory on this fight goes like this: CT used to go out with this girl Diem, whom he met while they were on a previous Challenge together. They had this dramatic relationship, but they broke up just before filming for this show began because Diem didn’t want to get married immediately, and wanted to put her “career first.” CT lacks comprehension on many levels, so this angered him.

The first night they were in the Challenge house, he fucked the first girl he saw (Shauvon, a rather detestable person from The Real World: Sydney). Upon hearing about this, Diem immediately confronted CT before he barely had a chance to pull his pants back up. For some reason, he believed that Adam (from The Real World: Paris) had ratted him out to Diem. So he got in Adam’s face. It went from there.

It should be noted that on the last Challenge, CT was also sent home for punching someone in the face on the first night.

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