Sex and the City Season 5, Explained


For the 20th anniversary of Sex and the City—which premiered on HBO on June 6, 1998 and went on to become iconic prestige television—Jezebel is doing a week of posts dedicated to our favorite band of sexual women friends.

Season 5, aka 2002, aka the season of Miranda’s iconic Weight Watchers stint already?! Can you believe how time flies when you are whizzing through years of historic television in one week? This season is a very good season—one of the best, I’d say—at the very least because Aidan is nowhere to be seen. We also get the season finale, “I Love a Charade,” featuring Nathan Lane as Bobby Fine, which is solidly in the list of my top 5 favorite episodes of television of all time.

Video Producer: Phoebe Bradford, Creative Producers: Therese McPherson, Eddie Costas

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