Six Michigan Frats and Sororities Suspended for Trashing Ski Lodges
LatestSix fraternities and sororities at the University of Michigan have been suspended for absolutely trashing two ski resorts, damage that’s estimated to exceed $50,000. There are still plenty of pictures of the wreckage on photo-sharing app Sneek, with some students arguing it’s really no big deal.
The Detroit Free Press reports that Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, Sigma Delta Tau sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, Alpha Phi sorority, Chi Psi fraternity and the Delta Gamma sorority were all suspended either last week or over the weekend after being accused of causing more than $50,000 in damage at the Treetops Resort and Boyne Highlands. A Highlands spokesperson called the damage the worst in the 50-year-old resort’s history and said it included broken doors, broken furniture, broken fixtures, and carpet soiled with we dare not ask what. Members of Sigma Alpha Mu could potentially face criminal charges (but let’s face it, probably won’t) for the damage at Treetops. After the group was evicted from the resort last week following complaints from other guests, a manager told Michigan Live he found “alcohol and vomit” in the carpets, as well ruined tables, broken TVs and acoustic ceiling tiles ripped down.
The school’s Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association leaders have apologized for the vandalism, writing in an open letter, “The events that occurred last weekend deface the honor we place upon each of these values and we would like to express our regret that such unprincipled action reflects so poorly on our community.”
Meanwhile, photos of the damage are still on Sneek, an anonymous photo-sharing app, where students are totally LOLing over them. The top image and caption is from Sneek; so are these, where students argue over whether the vandalism is all that bad and chortlingly compare it to a scene from a horror movie:
Very remorseful. Much sorry.
At this point, rock stars are too genteel to trash hotel rooms anymore; it’s a long time since Keith Moon drove a car into a Holiday Inn pool and then blew up his hotel room toilet. Leave it to frats and sororities to carry on that proud tradition of mayhem long after it’s stopped being cool, and to do so in the dumbest, least creative, most alcohol- and vomit-soaked way possible.
Image via Sneek