The Daily Show Has Finally Solved Catcalling
In her previous Daily Show segment on catcalls, correspondent Jessica Williams made it very clear that a woman’s walk to work is not a red carpet. But clueless commentators continue to insist catcalling is just a buncha chill dudes dispensing free compliments, and so she is back for round two, bringing a camera on her walk to work.
You might be surprised at what that camera caught… if you are a man who stubbornly refuses to listen when the women in his life complain about the invasive barrage their daily commute can become. Otherwise, not so much. Great news, though: Williams has found a couple of solutions, which include prancing down the street while singing “You’re a Grand Old Flag.”
Once, when I was walking past a school in the dead of night, a man whisper-growled at me, asking how much toilet paper it took to wipe my “fat ass.” Perhaps I am sensitive, but despite the reassurances of Fox News I did not find it complimentary. Suffice it to say, I found this video quite cathartic!