The Duggars Talk About The Pill, God, And Purity Rings On The View
LatestJim Bob and Michelle Duggar brought the youngest of their 18 children, Jordyn, on The View today. Joy Behar had the balls to Michelle if she has to even push anymore during childbirth.
After Barbara asked the couple why they have so many kids, they explained that, after the birth of their first child, Michelle went on birth control, got pregnant while on the pill, and had a miscarriage. So they looked to Scriptures and decided to have as many children as the Lord would bless them with. Two of their teenage daughters were in the audience, wearing purity rings, and Michelle explained that they believe in saving themselves until they marry the one that “God intended for them.” Speaking of marriage: Their eldest son recently got hitched – the wedding is airing on TLC this Sunday – and his parents acknowledged that he never kissed his fiancee until after they became engaged. Clip above.