This Infographic on Women Directors in Hollywood Is Totally Depressing


Fair warning; this infographic about women directors from Women and Hollywood is totally fucking depressing. This is not a happy unicorn rainbow cake with a puppy post.

Although this is pretty much what women who work (or have attempted to work) in the movie industry have known all along. It’s 2013 and — as seen on Women and Hollywood — only one woman (Anne Fletcher, director of The Proposal) has been hired by a major Hollywood studio to direct two feature films in the last five years. But, but, but…bootstraps and whatnot! If you don’t like it, quit! Right ladies?

If you see this and you still don’t believe that gender discrimination is a problem at Hollywood’s major film studios, then I’m pretty much done with you. Seriously. We’re done here. Go over to the Daily Mail and find out what “shockingly huge” animal they’re writing about this week. I’m sure you will enjoy that.

Image via Women And Hollywood.

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