This New York Times Magazine Cover of Hillary Clinton Is…Interesting
LatestOn Thursday, New York Times Washington editor David Joachim posted the first photo of the cover of this Sunday’s Times Magazine. The story, which hasn’t gone live yet online, is entitled “Planet Hillary” and the cover art for it depicts Hillary Clinton as if she was a literal planet.
“The gravitational pull of a possible 2016 campaign is bringing all the old Clinton characters into her orbit,” the cover line reads. “Can she make the stars align, or will chaos prevail?” The article was written by Amy Chozick, who was recently moved off the Times media desk to politics. She’s done some thorough reporting on the Clintons as Hillary ramps up her potential run for president.
Since we don’t have Chozick’s actual article to read yet, we can only speculate what it will contain from the cover. It already looks far more interesting than TIME magazine’s recent “CAN ANYONE STOP THIS WOMAN FROM TRAMPLING ALL MEN?” The annotated sky surrounding Hillary as a planet contains the phrases The Friends-of-Bill Black Hole, The Obama Quant Supernova, The Patti Solis Doyle Vortex, Katzenberg’s Comet, The Chelsea Quasar, The Arkansas Cluster, Huma’s Dark Matter and The Super-PAC Nebula. These notes indicate that the piece is probably similar in scope Maggie Haberman published in Politico in early January entitled “Hillary’s Shadow Campaign“; Haberman’s article included a 50-person photo slideshow of all the people influencing the Clintons.
The cover has already prompted a lot of responses:
But no word yet on what brilliant person designed it so that they can be appropriately praised/interrogated about what they were thinking.
Image via The New York Times