Tom Hiddleston Graciously Brags That War Doctors Are Watching His Show


Tom Hiddleston, a fine actor whose life split like in Sliding Doors the day he consented to that jetty photoshoot kissing Taylor Swift, won the Golden Globe award for best actor in a dramatic series Sunday. He graciously accepted the award on behalf of the real heroes out there—the war doctors who binge-watched him practicing his craft.

“A quick story, I know it’s been a long night,” Hiddleston said, explaining that he does a “little bit of work” with the United Nations Children’s Fund. “It’s a terrible situation happening for children. The Night Manager is about arms dealing, and there are far too many arms going into South Sudan.”

But better than that—amidst the shelling, his show, their one bright light.

“One night we were having a bite to eat at the canteen where we were staying, and a group of young men and women tottered over to the table, and we were all having what they call a ‘dirty beer,’ in humanitarian language,” he continued. “And they were a group of Médecins Sans Frontières doctors and nurses. And they wanted to say hello because during the shelling the previous month, they had binge-watched The Night Manager. And the idea that I could provide, or that we could provide, some relief and entertainment for the people who worked for UNICEF and Médecins Sans Frontières and the World Food Program, who are fixing the world in the places where it is broken made me immensely proud.”

Here is how the speech went over with the Golden Globes audience:

Here is how it went over with the viewers at home:

Not his best work.

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