Women Closer Than Ever to Landing Some of the Toughest Military Jobs

Today brings not one but two news stories about opportunities opening up for women in the U.S. military.

The Washington Post says that, for the first time, a trio of women have passed the brutal combat endurance test required for admission to the Marine Corps‘ Infantry Officer Course, at Quantico. (It tests how your decision-making holds up under nightmarish physical conditions.) That just means they can start the course, and even if they make it through with flying colors, the jobs themselves are still off-limits for now. But it is an important landmark.

Meanwhile, The Hill reports that the Navy is working on a plan to start putting senior enlisted women on submarines (followed by junior enlisted women), beginning with ballistic missile submarines, as opposed to fast attack submarines (so, the ones with the nukes). Right now, only female officers have the opportunity. They’re aiming for 20 percent women on each ship.

The two developments aren’t a coincidence; as The Hill explains:

The change is part of the Obama administration’s push to open all currently closed military jobs to women, including in special operations.
The four services are currently reviewing all closed jobs to see how to integrate women and are required to submit to the Defense secretary any reasons why women may not be able to serve in particular jobs in 2016.

Sounds like they’re making some headway, at least.

Photo via AP Images.

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