Amy Adams Gives Up First Class Seat for Soldier Sitting in Coach
LatestStars: They’re just like us! Except how many of us would give up our roomy and luxurious seats in first class for an American soldier? Amy Adams can safely say that she would. And she did.
According to ABC News, Adams noticed the soldier waiting to board just as she was about to get on the plane. She then asked privately whether she could switch with him:
“I noticed Ms. Adams was in first class and as I was getting seated, I saw the flight attendant guide the soldier to Ms. Adams’ seat. She was no longer in it, but it was pretty clear that she’d given up her seat for him,” fellow passenger Jemele Hill, co-host of ESPN2’s “Numbers Never Lie,” told ABC News. “I was incredibly impressed, and I’m not even sure if the soldier knew who gave him that seat. I guess he will now!”
Adams also met with the solder after the plane landed, which makes this story even more impressive than Prince William flying coach from Memphis to Dallas.
Image via Getty.
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