Animal Magnetism On The Red Carpet


The Genesis Awards “pays tribute to the major news and entertainment media for producing outstanding works that raise public awareness of animal issues.” Which explains the adorable dog on the red carpet — as well as all the animal prints. Sorta.

Tippi Hedren has dedicated the latter part of her career to protecting big cats; hence the caftan, we presume.

Look, the event may explain the…mule?…on Leona Lewis’s dress. But that’s not to say it excuses it.

A more traditional take on the theme, from Wendy Malick.

Emily Deschanel’s dress verges on the unflattering, but dig the disco impulses.

Elaine Hendrix also rocks a 70s vibe, in clear cerulean.

Kristin Davis does nothing to challenge her sugary type-casting in sweet, punchy pink.

Dramatic asymmetrical simplicity from Renee Russo.

I’ll admit it: in defiance of every instinct of critical judgment, the 5-year-old in me is secretly really excited about Stephanie Pratt’s dress.

…and is kind of scared of Charlotte Ross’s, because I know wicked queen garb when I see it.

Now we come to what might be called the “eveningwear” portion of things. I give you Miss Lu Parker!

And Miss Katie Cleary!

Natch, animal-lover Betty White was there: and Miami-bright!

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