- Courtney Love on Britney Spears: “I know exactly what’s going on, having been there. If she doesn’t get help something very, very bad is gonna happen. Marilyn Monroe was strapped to a gurney too, but, other than me and Britney, no one’s ever been strapped to a gurney.” Really? No one? [PageSix.com]
- Jennifer Lopez gave birth! Maybe! If you believe this blog we like! She allegedly had twins yesterday on Long Island! A boy and a girl! Maybe! [The.Life Files]
- If J.Lo did give birth, she did it in a couture hospital gown. But you probably knew that already. [MSNBC]
- UCLA Medical Center has classified patient Britney Spears as G.D., gravely disabled. She went into a manic, paranoid state when she was admitted to the hospital, screaming, “The only reason she’s admitting me is because she wants to be alone with her boyfriend!” [TMZ]
- Kevin Federline is “worried” about Britney and feels the psychiatric hospital is the best place for her right now. [People]
- A former colleague says Britney’s new shrink is “excellent.” Fingers crossed. [People]
- Sources say that when Britney checked into the hospital last Wednesday night she hadn’t slept since Saturday. [People]
- Nick Stern, a paparazzo, has resigned from Splash photo agency because “Directly or indirectly, Britney is going to come to some horrific end. The paps are completely out of control. It’s not unusual to have 20 or 30 cars pursuing her at any one time. It’s become acceptable to drive at 80mph down the wrong side of the street into oncoming traffic.” [Guardian]
- A choreographer in London has created a ballet called Meltdown based on Britney’s life: Dancers portray Brit fending off paparazzi, shaving her head and being carried off stage in a stretcher. Appealing or appalling? [Reuters]
- Guess who checked into the same psych ward as Britney? Grey’s Anatomy star Justin Chambers. He reportedly was exhausted and suffers from a sleeping disorder and checked in voluntarily. He entered on Monday and checked out Wednesday. Maybe the five kids he’s got at home are wearing him out? Be well! [TMZ]
- Is Kirsten Dunst the next star to fall? Sources say she is “not in a good place right now.” Hey, you know what wasn’t a bad flick at all? Crazy/Beautiful. [Page Six]
- Michael Jackson’s kids? Without masks? So weird. Also, so many questions, very few answers. [TMZ]
- George Clooney during his UN speech, delivering a message about the crisis in Darfur: “I am the son of a newsman, so the job of messenger comes with the responsibility to deal with facts, not to tell people what they want to hear, but to tell them what the truth is, unfiltered.” In a word: Swoon. [People]
- Some dude who “dated” Britney in 1999 is headed to Hollywood on American Idol. Good luck, man. And try to keep it classy, for crissakes. [People]
- Amy Winehouse’s rehab addiction: ice lollies (popsicles)! She’s also been teaching fellow patients how to play guitar. Love a positive story about this woman. LOVE IT. [Mirror]
- Oh, wait, this story says Amy was rushed to a hospital and put on a drip. Crap. [The Sun]
- At a party Wednesday night, Hayden Panettiere was seen pulling her mother’s dress down because it kept hiking up too high. Who hasn’t been there? “Mom! You’re embarrassing me!!!!” [Page Six]
- Star Jones’ new TV show: Already dunzo. [Page Six]
- The video of Heath Ledger that Entertainment Tonight and The Insider decided not to air didn’t actually show Heath doing drugs. In the clip, Heath does say, “I used to smoke five joints a day for 20 years.” But then immediately afterwards (which they may or may not have been planning to air) Heath says: “That’s why I got this tattoo [an M, for daughter Matilda] to remind me never to smoke weed again.” [Perez Hilton]
- Debbie, sorry, Deborah, Gibson is conducting scholarship auditions and a reality show taping for Camp Electric Youth. And no, you’re not trapped in a time warp. [AdRants]
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