Creator of The O.C. Developing Horror Series Set In an Ikea-Like Store
LatestJosh Schwartz, the creator of The O.C., is developing a new comedy-drama for Fox. The show is based on Grady Hendrix’s 2014 novel Horrorstör, which is about a haunted home furnishing store called Orsk. It will be written by Schwartz and Michael Vukadinovich.
Here’s the premise via Deadline:
Horrorstör centers on 26-year-old Amy. Newly sober, she lands a job at ORSK, the U.S. Flagship of the European furniture superstore. It feels like just the opportunity she’s needed to get her life back on track, but as Amy comes to discover, the store actually preys upon its customers’ desires to a supernatural degree, selling products that make their wishes and fantasies come true in unexpected and insidious ways.
As a huge fan of horror films that are set in malls, I am intrigued by a show about an evil Ikea. I do have some questions, though. Will this be in a monster-of-the-week format where they have to fight a different piece of sinister furniture with each episode? Will there be any cameos from ghosts of Schwartz’s The O.C. or Gossip Girl pasts? Lastly, can there be Seth Cohen-type character, but goth? I wouldn’t be mad at that.
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Ikea image via Tooykrub/Shutterstock