In Epic Bid for Power, Cat 'Burglar' Steals Cat Friend's Food Bowl


Poor Kimicat is just trying to enjoy a simple meal of kibble. But Oscar is having none of it. Watch how he uses all of his cunning cat stealthiness to steal her food bowl from right under her nose.

OK, so he pretty much just reaches over and slides it away from her while she’s eating. That’s like when your sibling snatches the bag of Doritos out of your lap while you’re watching the Ghostbusters cartoon show and you’re like “HEY I WAS EATING THAT, HELLO?” According to various officials, this is not Oscar’s first time getting busted for cat food theft. I’m worried for him. This can only lead to more serious crimes. One minute, they’re stealing food bowls and the next they’re breaking into Fort Knox, Mission Impossible style.

Alright, let’s get all of our cat burglar jokes out of the way. (If you can’t make a good cat burglar joke, a gif or pic of Catwoman is fine—feel free to pick any version/actress you like.)

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