Looks Like More Horny Vampire Stories Are on the Way

Looks Like More Horny Vampire Stories Are on the Way
Screenshot: (Twilight)

It looks like everyone’s favorite fanfiction-inspiring novel, Twilight, is going to be making a comeback soon, or rather, again. Stephanie Meyer, the trilogy’s author, recently posted a countdown clock on her official website, and fans were quick to speculate as to what in the world this could possibly mean. More pale-faced kids sucking face in the woods and speaking exclusively in pregnant pauses? More weird CGI adult-baby faces in the inevitable film adaption of whatever’s to come? Who knows!

I’m honestly always kind of equal parts terrified by and enamored of the quick work superfans are able to do on the internet because it wasn’t too long after Meyer posted the clock that someone dug up the source code for the page and found stepheniemeyermidnightsun.com embedded in it, which left many to assume that the big announcement would be that Meyer is finally releasing Midnight Sun. That part of the code has since been removed.

For those not in the know, Midnight Sun is Twilight as told from Edward’s perspective, rather than from Bella’s. It looked like she was planning to release the retelling over a decade ago but after the first twelve chapters were leaked in 2008 she put the project on permanent hiatus.

“If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind,” Meyer wrote following the leak, “James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn’t dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely.” She went on to post the leaked chapters on her website.

I didn’t get into Twilight until a bit later than everyone else because I was busy with my head up my ass in high school, buying into the kind of bizarre pseudo-intellectual rivalry that was created between Harry Potter fans and Twilight fans, wherein Harry Potter was considered Respectable Literature and Twilight was vacuous, saccharine trash.

After I finally came to my senses, I didn’t put Twilight down from the moment I picked it up until the moment I finished reading, which took exactly one nine-hour car ride from the bottom to the top of Florida. Personally, if Midnight Sun is Meyer’s big news, I’m absolutely here for it. If I’m being perfectly honest, there’s nothing I need more right now than to read a heartbreaking teen love story told from the perspective of a hundred-year-old twink vampire. As of now, there are just about fourteen hours left on the countdown, see you on the other side!

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